SMARTIES cruise - Ocean Bottom Seismometer (OBS) data - Datasets from OBS #10 to #19

This dataset contains seismic data from 17 OBS collected in the equatorial Atlantic Ocean during the SMARTIES cruise in 2019. 12 OBSs are located along the eastern Romanche transform and fracture zone, and 5 OBSs are located along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge.

The OBS data are vertical components and recorded in MiniSEED format. The data collection started from 2019-07-20T00:00:00 to 2019-08-16T24:00:00.

This dateset includes raw data from OBS #10 to OBS#19. OBS#15 recorded no data.

Data from OBS#1 to OBS#9 are available from a companion dataset. OBS#8 was lost.


Marine geology


Mid-oceanic ridges, transform faults, Mid-Atlantic Ridge, Romanche transform fault, Microearthquake, Seismic tomography, Ocean Bottom Seismometer


0.5N, -0.5S, -15.5E, -17.15W


OBS instruments were used to record seismic data. Further information on the instruments and the deployment can be found in the cruise report (Maia et al., 2021) listed below.


FileSizeFormatProcessingAccessend of embargo
Raw data from OBS SMA-10
801 MoMiniSEEDRaw data 2025-12-31
Raw data from OBS SMA-11
640 MoMiniSEEDRaw data 2025-12-31
Raw data from OBS SMA-12
889 MoMiniSEEDRaw data 2025-12-31
Raw data from OBS SMA-13
778 MoMiniSEEDRaw data 2025-12-31
Raw data from OBS SMA-14
761 MoMiniSEEDRaw data 2025-12-31
Raw data from OBS SMA-16
793 MoMiniSEEDRaw data 2025-12-31
Raw data from OBS SMA-17
738 MoMiniSEEDRaw data 2025-12-31
Raw data from OBS SMA-18 (zipped MiniSEED files)
171 MoMiniSEEDRaw data 2025-12-31
Raw data from OBS SMA-19 (zipped MiniSEED data)
66 MoMiniSEEDRaw data 2025-12-31
How to cite
Gregory Emma, Wang Zhikai, Singh Satish, Yu Zhiteng, Maia Marcia, Brunelli Daniele (2023). SMARTIES cruise - Ocean Bottom Seismometer (OBS) data - Datasets from OBS #10 to #19. SEANOE.

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