Population structure and reproductive biology of Lepetodrilus schrolli, L. fijiensis and Shinkailepas tollmanni

Size structure of populations (shell length in mm) and oocyte size (in µm) distribution of three hydrothermal vent gastropod species (Lepetodrilus schrolli, L. fijiensis and Shinkailepas tollmanni) of the South West Pacific back-arc basins. Individuals were collected in Bathymodiolus spp. and Ifremeria nautilei habitats at several vent sites in the Manus, North Fiji, Futuna and Lau back-arc basins during the CHUBACARC cruise in 2019. These data were collected through stereoscopic microscope observations and hostological analyses on several individuals of each species.


Biological oceanography


Population structure, Reproductive biology, Gastropod, Lepetodrilidae, Phenacolepadidae, Gametogenesis, Fecundity, Southwestern Pacific, Hydrothermal vent


0N, -26S, 190E, 140W


Shell length measurements (in mm) was done measuring the curvilinear shell length (i.e. the longest distance from the apex to the anterior edge of the shell along the dorsal side) for Lepetodrilus species and the maximal antero-posterior shell length for S. tollmanni. Measurements were conducted with the Leica Application Suite software linked to a Leica MC 170 HD camera mounted on a Leica M125 stereoscopic microscope for Lepetodrilus species, and through the ZEN pro 3.2 software connected to a ZEISS AxioCam 208 Color camera mounted on a ZEISS SteREO Discovery.V20 stereoscopic microscope for Shinkailepas tollmanni. Post-larval and juvenile shells of S. tollmanni were photographed under an Olympus SX16 microscope linked by an Infinity 1 Camera to the Infinity capture software and measured using ImageJ.


For oocyte size measurements (in µm), photographs of histological sections were taken using the Leica Application Suite AF software connected to a Leica DFC 450C camera on a Leica DMI6000 B inverted videomicroscope. Oocytes were then measured and counted using the ImageJ software.  For measurments, maximum and minimum Feret’s diameter were used to calculate the area of an ellipse to infer the area-equivalent diameter which is the √(4*area/π). Two development stages were measured: the vitellogenic stage (vo) which represents mature oocytes, and the previtellogenic stage (pvo) considered as non-mature. Some oogonia were also measured (oo).


Population size structure Lepetodrilus schrolli and Lepetodrilus fijiensis
774 KoCSVRaw data
Population size structure and sex data Shinkailepas tollmanni
227 KoCSVRaw data
Shell length and sex data Lepetodrilus schrolli and Lepetodrilus fijiensis
64 KoCSVRaw data
Oocytes size Lepetodrilus schrolli and Lepetodrilus fijiensis
2 MoCSVRaw data
Oocytes size Shinkailepas tollmanni
135 KoCSVRaw data
Fecundity data Lepetodrilus schrolli and Lepetodrilus fijiensis
324 KoCSVRaw data
Fecundity and shell length data Lepetodrilus schrolli and Lepetodrilus fijiensis
891 octetsCSVRaw data
How to cite
Poitrimol Camille, Matabos Marjolaine, Veuillot Alicia, Ramière Annah, Thiébaut Éric (2023). Population structure and reproductive biology of Lepetodrilus schrolli, L. fijiensis and Shinkailepas tollmanni. SEANOE. https://doi.org/10.17882/96476
In addition to properly cite this dataset, it would be appreciated that the following work(s) be cited too, when using this dataset in a publication :
Poitrimol Camille, Matabos Marjolaine, Veuillot Alicia, Ramière Annah, Comtet Thierry, Boulart Cedric, Cathalot Cecile, Thiébaut Éric (2024). Reproductive biology and population structure of three hydrothermal gastropods (Lepetodrilus schrolli, L. fijiensis and Shinkailepas tollmanni) from the South West Pacific back-arc basins. Marine Biology. 171 (1). 31 (23p.). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00227-023-04348-4, https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00867/97938/

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