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Critical Thermal Maximum in embryonic Pacific herring
These data were collected at Shannon Point Marine Center in Washington, U.S.A. in March and May, 2021. Embryos were reared at either 10C (ambient) or 16C (heightened) and at either ~500 pCO2 uatm (ambient) or ~2000 pCO2 uatm (heightened). These data measure the response of winter-spawned Pacific herring embryos to critical thermal maximum excursions (CTmax) up to either 20C or 25C for 1, 2, or 3 hours of exposure. Percent survival was evaluated between rearing temperature and pCO2 level, maximum CTmax temperature, and duration of exposure to CTmax. The results evaluate if rearing conditions affect survival during a marine heatwave and the CTmax temperature and duration at which survival diminishes.
Fisheries and aquaculture
Critical Thermal Maximum, Pacific herring, Ocean Acidification, Temperature Rise, Survival
48.990866N, 48.066899S, -122.353024E, -123.484616W
Fert_date: date of fertilization, unitless
CTmax_date: date of CTmax trials, unitless
hpf: hours post fertilization
age_atCTmax_degreehours: degree hours of embryos at CTmax trials
assessment_date: date of assessment for survival
assessment_age_DD: age (degree days) of embryos during assessment
tank: experimental rearing tank number (1-4)
replicate: replicate cup (1-48)
temp: rearing temperature (10 or 16C)
CO2: rearing pCO2 conditions (uatm)
CTmax_temp: maximum temperature of exposure (0 = control)
duration_hours: 0 (control), 1, 2, or 3 hours of exposure to CTmax temperature
alive: number embryos assessed as alive
dead: number embryos assessed as dead
moribund: number of embryos assessed at moribund
bad_eggs: eggs not included in survival assessment
percent_survival: alive divided by (alive + dead + moribund)