Hatching Morphometrics in embryonic Pacific herring

These data were collected at Shannon Point Marine Center in Washington, U.S.A. in March and May, 2021. Embryos were reared at four temperatures in March (10, 12, 14, 16C) and two temperatures in May (10, 16C). In both March and May, embryos were reared at either ~500 pCO2 uatm (ambient) or ~2000 pCO2 uatm (heightened). These data measure the hatching success (%), malformation rates in embryos (%) and malformation rates in hatched larvae (%).


Fisheries and aquaculture


hatching success, hatching morphometrics, Pacific herring, ocean acidification, temperature rise, survival


49.013309N, 47.739745S, -121.757139E, -123.83262W


Cup: replicate cup

healthy: number of healthy larvae

total: total embryos in each cup

total_hatch: total number of hatchlings

percent_healthy: percentage of healthy larvae (healthy / total)

healthy_log: logarithmic transformation of percent_healthy

abnormalities: number of deformed hatched larvae

percent_deformed_embryos: percentage of deformed embryos (abnormalities / total)

deformed_embryos_log: logarithmic transformation of percent_deformed_embryos

percent_deformed_hatched_larvae: percentage of deformed hatched larvae (abnormalities / total_hatch)

deformed_hatched_larvae_log: logarithmic transformation of percent_deformed_hatched_larvae

CO2: rearing CO2

temp: rearing temperature

header: associated header tank with pCO2-adjusted water

tank: tank (1-4) housing cups with embryos

time_PH: time to peak hatch

time_FH: time to first hatch

total_percent_hatch: percent hatching success

total_percent_hatch_log: logarithmic transformation of total_percent_hatch

time_PH_log: logarithmic transformation of time_PH

time_FH_log: logarithmic transformation of time_FH


Hatching Morphometrics, Pacific herring, March 2021
3 KoCSVProcessed data
Hatching Morphometrics, Pacific herring, May 2021
2 KoCSVProcessed data
How to cite
Singh Nicole, Love Brooke, Murray Christopher, Sobocinki Kathryn, Cooper W. James (2021). Hatching Morphometrics in embryonic Pacific herring. SEANOE. https://doi.org/10.17882/96696

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