Respirometry (MO2) in embryonic Pacific herring

These data were collected at Shannon Point Marine Center in Washington, U.S.A. in March, 2021. Embryos were reared at either 10C (ambient), 12C, 14C, or 16C  and at either ~500 pCO2 uatm (ambient) or ~2000 pCO2 uatm (heightened). These data measure the oxygen consumption rates (MO2)  response of winter-spawned Pacific herring embryos to variations in rearing temperature and pCO2 levels. The results evaluate if rearing conditions affect survival during a marine heatwave and the CTmax temperature and duration at which survival diminishes.


Fisheries and aquaculture


oxygen consumption rates, Pacific herring, ocean acidification, temperature rise, forage fishes


49.018329N, 47.446982S, -121.924816E, -123.807894W


run_num: run number of measurements

time: time of measurement

DO_umol_L: dissolved oxygen (umol/L)

run_id: run ID for each replicate cup within each run_num

replicate: replicate cup

pCO2: ambient (~500 uatm) or heightened (~2000 uatm) rearing conditions

temp: 10C (ambient), 12C, 14C, or 16C rearing conditions

vial_volume: measured volume of each vial

avg_egg_DW: average dry weight of each embryo


Oxygen consumption rates at 10C in Pacific herring
50 KoCSVProcessed data
Oxygen consumption rates at 12C in Pacific herring
40 KoCSVProcessed data
Oxygen consumption rates at 14C in Pacific herring
46 KoCSVProcessed data
Oxygen consumption rates at 16C in Pacific herring
49 KoCSVProcessed data
How to cite
Singh Nicole, Love Brooke, Murray Christopher, Sobocinski Kathryn, Cooper W. James (2021). Respirometry (MO2) in embryonic Pacific herring. SEANOE.

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