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Processed outputs from a community based Lagrangian dispersal simulation in the Tropical Southwestern Atlantic
We used the Lagrangiandispersal modelling tool Ichthyop (Lett et al. 2008) to track particles representing numerical larvae passively transported by current velocity fields in the Tropical Southwestern Atlantic. In the simulations,15 categories of particles classifyed according to biological traits (planktonic life duration and spawning habitat) were defined. Simulations were run monthly from January 2009 to December 2017 (108 runs). The stud domain was split into 225 cells of similar area (Fig). In each run, 150 particles per cell were released randomly between the surface and 80 m depth, for a total of 33,750 particles. Their trajectories were then followed for 30 days and their locations recorded at 5, 15 and 30 days to represent the three categories of PLD (short, medium and long). The data are the processed outputs of the model indicanting the number of particles of each catergory that recruited in each cell in each month.
Biological oceanography
Dispersal modelling, Community assembly, communty ecology, ecological modelling, Ichythyop
-1N, -12.5S, -30E, -38W