MeteOcean 2D wave spectra statistics in the Mediterranean Sea: multi-model ensemble of GCM-RCMs projections by 2100

The dataset contains statistics for bias-adjusted 2D wave spectra for a multi-model ensemble of 17 EURO-CORDEX GCM-RCMs projections for the following periods: Baseline (1979-2005), Mid-century (2034-2060) for RCP 8.5, and End-of-century (2074-2100) for RCP 8.5 for 11 locations in the Mediterranean Sea. 

Point ID Longitude Latitude Region

  • West-1 -4.5 36.21 Alboran Sea
  • West-2 5.69 40.71 Western Mediterranean
  • North-1 8.87 43.86 Ligurian Sea
  • Centre-1 13.96 38.91 Tyrrhenian Sea
  • North-2 13.96 44.31 Adriatic Sea
  • Centre-2 17.78 35.76 Central Mediterranean
  • Centre-3 19.06 38.91 Ionian Sea
  • South-1 19.06 31.26 Gulf of Sidra
  • Centre-4 24.79 40.26 Aegean Sea
  • East-1 30.52 33.51 Levantine Sea
  • East-2 34.97 35.76 Eastern Mediterranean


  • Monthly means
  • Monthly maxima


Environment, Physical oceanography


ocean waves, wind waves, climate change, significant wave height, wave period, wave direction, climate indicators, extreme weather, ocean wave climate, ocean wave statistics, ocean wave extremes statistics, 2D wave spectra


46N, 30S, 37E, -6W


netcdf files
1 GoNetCDFProcessed data
How to cite
Lira-Loarca Andrea, Besio Giovanni (2023). MeteOcean 2D wave spectra statistics in the Mediterranean Sea: multi-model ensemble of GCM-RCMs projections by 2100. SEANOE.

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