NOURMED beam trawl survey catch data : Coastal benthic assemblages of the Gulf of Lion (North-western Mediterranean) in 2018-2019

As part of the monitoring program of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD), the monitoring of demersal fish and cephalopods in coastal soft sediments has been deemed a priority. In order to do this, annual fish surveys have been deployed to cover coastal nurseries, which constitute essential habitats for many marine species. The characterization of the ecological state of these populations and the study of the functionality of nursery habitats is required for the calculation of the indicators of Good Ecological Status (Delaunay et al., 2019) and is essential for the implementation of ecosystem management measures guaranteeing sustainable uses. On the French Mediterranean coast, the NOURMED survey exploring the feasibility of such monitoring was successfully carried out in the Gulf of Lion in September 2018 and 2019 (Vaz et al., 2019, Vaz et al. 2020). They provide detailed quantitative data on benthic and demersal species composition in coastal nursery grounds of the Gulf of Lion.


Biological oceanography, Environment, Fisheries and aquaculture


Gulf of Lion, North-western Mediterranean, demersal fish, benthic invertebrates, coastal nursery grounds


43.6N, 42.4S, 5E, 3W


On an established methodological basis, using the Ifremer nursery survey protocol (Delaunay, 2018), fifteen minutes beamtrawl hauls were carried out using a standard scientific beamtrawl used on all french coastal nursery surveys. This 3m wide and 50cm high trawl, using a reduced mesh size (20mm stretched) in the cod-end allowed for the capture of juveniles benthic and demersal fish and invertebrates inhabiting soft coastal sediments. All the species caught were sorted, identified, counted (except for colonial invertebrates) and weighted on board and fish and a few other invertebrates were systematically measured.

The data is in the ELevated FIsh Catch (ELFIC) format, were all sub-sample observations were elevated to the level of the total catch in the catch table. It is strongly recommended to standardise catch values per km² or per hour as haul duration and swept area may vary from one observation to the next.

The present dataset is composed of a pdf document describing the structure and content of each file, and 5 csv files containing the metadata and data.



description of structure and content of each file
data files
1 MoCSVProcessed data
How to cite
Vaz Sandrine, Cheret Isabelle, Jadaud Angelique, Metral Luisa, Certain Gregoire, Brind'amour Anik, Cornou Anne Sophie, Delaunay Damien (2023). NOURMED beam trawl survey catch data : Coastal benthic assemblages of the Gulf of Lion (North-western Mediterranean) in 2018-2019. SEANOE.

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