Sedimentary core CAS16-07PC dataset from CASEIS Cruise

This dataset contains the data acquired on the 19 m-long core CAS16-07PC (17°18.481’N, 60°59.840’W, 5425 mbsl) sampled with the Calypso piston coring system in the Méduse Basin offshore the Antigua island (Lesser Antilles) during the research cruise CASEIS (DOI 10.17600/16001800) on board of the R/V Pourquoi Pas?, between May 28th to July 05th 2016. The core was divided in 12 sections of about 150 cm and 1 section of about 100 cm. This dataset consists of the raw data measured: 1) on board with the GEOTECK Multi Sensor Core Logger of the Quebec University at Rimouski (on the whole core: P-wave velocity, gamma density, and volumetric magnetic susceptibility; and on the split core:  high resolution photographs, surface magnetic susceptibility and spectrophotocolorimetry); and 2) the X-ray images with the GEOTEK X-ray CT and the semi-quantitative chemical elementary profiles with an AVAATECH XRF core scanner at IFREMER. 81 turbidites has been identified intercalated with hemipelagic sediment layers. 


Marine geology


Lesser Antilles, Sedimentary core, Sedimentology, Turbidites


17.308017N, 17.308017S, -60.997333E, -60.997333W


Compress file with the data acquired on the core CAS16-07PC from the CASEIS cruise
580 Mo.zipRaw data
How to cite
Seibert Chloé, Feuillet Nathalie, Ratzov Gueorgui, Cattaneo Antonio, St-Onge Guillaume, Moreno Eva (2023). Sedimentary core CAS16-07PC dataset from CASEIS Cruise. SEANOE.

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