Spatio-temporal distribution for 4 demersal species of the Bay of Biscay based on VMS-logbooks data

These data are outputs of a spatio-temporal model inferring fish distribution. The maps are based on high-resolution catch data (VMS-logbook). They have a montly time resolution and a 0.05° spatial resolution. Four demersal species of the Bay of Biscay are available in the dataset: common sole (Solea solea), megrim (Lepidorhombus whiffiagonis), anglerfish (Lophius spp) and thornback ray (Raja clavata). Maps are provided for year 2008 to 2018 ; they were produced in the context of the MACCO project (, an Ifremer project that aims at proposing alternative management strategies for the mixed demersal fisheries of the Bay of Biscay.


Fisheries and aquaculture


Spatio-temporal model, Fish distribution, Bay of Biscay, Demersal species, MACCO


48.268569N, 43.149094S, -0.131836E, -6.064453W


91 MoCSVProcessed data
How to cite
Alglave Baptiste, Vermard Youen (2023). Spatio-temporal distribution for 4 demersal species of the Bay of Biscay based on VMS-logbooks data. Ifremer.

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