Multi-site high resolution seabed topographical surveys (Maupiti Hoe, Niau, Socoa, Ars-en-Ré, Parlementia, Banneg)

The present dataset is based on a nine site study of fine seabed topography in intertidal zones. Four coral sites (Maupiti A, B and C and Niau islands) and five rocky sites (Ars en Ré, Socoa, Parlementia A and B and Banneg island) have been explored. The data has been gathered using on-foot GNSS RTK for all sites (Trimble R8/R8S and Leica sytems) except Banneg island, where aerial Lidar data from Litto3D program has been used. The horizontal resolution varies between 3.8 and 12cm allowing to describe a wide range of spatial scales (generally over 3 spectral decades). The data has been processed to explore the statistical and spectral metrics which can be used to characterize the architectural complexity of seabeds.


Physical oceanography


seabed, roughness, topography, metrics


80N, -80S, 180E, -180W


Topographhic surveys are made with:

- On-foot Trimble R8/R8S GNSS RTK (Maupiti Hoe, Niau, Ars en Re)

- On-foot Trimble R8/R8S GNSS RTK (Parlementia, Socoa)

- Aerial LIDAR Litto3D (Banneg island)


Metadata: documentation for each topographic survey with information on filename, type (transect), units, date, methods, owner, contact, scientific program, coordinate system, latitude/longitude
27 KoXLS, XLSXQuality controlled data - Topographic survey on Ars-en-Ré : profile X, Y in meter along a transec operated on 10-15 Jan 2021 with On-foot Trimble R8/R8S GNSS RTK - by Shom, Gladys and Univ. de Montpellier
381 KoTEXTQuality controlled data : matrix of x, y, and z coordinates for topographic survey in high resolution of Banneg island made by aerial lidar litto3D on spring 2012/2013 by Shom and IGN
771 KoTEXTQuality controlled data - Topographic survey On Maupiti Hoe: profile X, Y in meter along a transec operated on 5-10 July 2018 with on-foot Trimble R8/R8S GNSS RTK - by GLADYS and Université de Montpellier
224 KoTEXTQuality controlled data - Topographic survey On Niau : profile X, Y in meter along a transec operated on 10 Nov. 2021 with On-foot Trimble R8/R8S GNSS RTK - by CEREGE and MIO (OSU Pytheas)
41 KoTEXTQuality controlled data - Topographic survey on Parlementia A, and B : profile X, Y in meter along a transec operated on 22 Fev 2023 with on-foot Leica GNSS RTK - by SIAME, UPPA
272 KoTEXTQuality controlled data - Topographic survey on Socoa : profile X, Y in meter along a transec operated on 21 Fev 2023 with on-foot Leica GNSS RTK - by SIAME, UPPA and Shom
177 KoTEXTQuality controlled data
How to cite
Sous Damien, Meule Samuel, Michaud Heloise, Gladys group, GLADYS (2024). Multi-site high resolution seabed topographical surveys (Maupiti Hoe, Niau, Socoa, Ars-en-Ré, Parlementia, Banneg). SEANOE.
In addition to properly cite this dataset, it would be appreciated that the following work(s) be cited too, when using this dataset in a publication :
Sous Damien, Meulé Samuel, Dealbera Solène, Michaud Héloïse, Gassier Ghislain, Pezerat Marc, Bouchette Frédéric (2024). Quantifying the topographical structure of rocky and coral seabeds. PLOS ONE, 19 (6).

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