Exemple data for 2D image annotations onto 3D models

Imagery has become one of the main data sources for investigating seascape spatial patterns. This is particularly true in deep-sea environments, which are only accessible with underwater vehicles. On the one hand, using collaborative web-based tools and machine learning algorithms, biological and geological features can now be massively annotated on 2D images with the support of experts. On the other hand, geomorphometrics such as slope or rugosity derived from 3D models built with structure from motion (sfm) methodology can then be used to answer spatial distribution questions. However, precise georeferencing of 2D annotations on 3D models has proven challenging for deep-sea images, due to a large mismatch between navigation obtained from underwater vehicles and the reprojected navigation computed in the process of 3D building. In addition, although 3D models can be directly annotated, the process becomes challenging due to the low resolution of textures and the large size of the models. In this article, we propose a streamlined, open-access processing pipeline to reproject 2D image annotations onto 3D models using ray tracing. Using four underwater image data sets, we assessed the accuracy of annotation reprojection on 3D models and achieved successful georeferencing to centimetric accuracy. The combination of photogrammetric 3D models and accurate 2D annotations would allow the construction of a 3D representation of the landscape and could provide new insights into understanding species microdistribution and biotic interactions.

The dataset contains 4 compressed volumes corresponding to the 4 study sites used in this study. Each volume contains a 3D mesh (.ply), a 3D textured mesh (.obj, .mtl, and textures), an optical navigation file (.json) and the set of images used for the evaluation of reprojection accuracy. The files were generated using Matisse 3D V1.4 3D reconstruction software. The dataset also contains a Biiigle annotation report (.csv) correponding to fauna annotation.


Biological oceanography


Photogrammetry, Structure from motion, 3D models, annotation


Victor 6000 otus2 camera for Tui Malila, White Castle, Eiffel Tower
Ariane vertical camera (D5500) for Coral Garden


Coral Garden: Archive containing a 3D mesh (.ply), a textured 3D mesh (.obj, .mtl and texture file) and a folder containing images used for evaluation of reprojection accuracy
574 Mo3D model archiveProcessed data
Tour Eiffel: Archive containing a 3D mesh (.ply), a textured 3D mesh (.obj, .mtl and texture file) and a folder containing images used for evaluation of reprojection accuracy
1 Go3D model archiveProcessed data
Biigle annotation report for Tui Malila fauna
7 MoCSVRaw data
White Castle: Archive containing a 3D mesh (.ply), a textured 3D mesh (.obj, .mtl and texture file) and a folder containing images used for evaluation of reprojection accuracy
1 Go3D model archiveProcessed data
Tui Malila: Archive containing a 3D mesh (.ply), a textured 3D mesh (.obj, .mtl and texture file) and a folder containing images used for evaluation of reprojection accuracy
1 Go3D model archiveProcessed data
How to cite
Marcillat Marin, Menot Lenaick, Van Audenhaege Loic, Borremans Catherine (2024). Exemple data for 2D image annotations onto 3D models. SEANOE. https://doi.org/10.17882/99108

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