Drifter deployment within the MED-JELLYRISK project in the Central Mediterranean Basin

The time series data consist of the trajectories for three drifters, released on the 23rd October 2013, off the northern coast of the Maltese Islands. These surveys were carried out as part of the MED-JELLYRISK project which aimed to assess the socio-economic impacts of jellyfish blooms and implement mitigation measures. The data collected during these surveys were used to validate a jellyfish dispersion model. This project was supported by ENPI-CBC MED.   


Administration and dimensions, Physical oceanography


surface currents, Mediterranean Sea, drifter tracks, sea surface temperature


40N, 31S, 27.6E, 13.5W


The drifters used to collect these tracks, the MetOcean iSVP (Surface Velocity Program) drifting buoys, are Lagrangian current-following drifters designed to track water currents beneath the ocean surface. The buoys were equipped with a sea surface temperature sensor. They had a holey sock drogue centered at 15m with a drag ratio of more than 40:1. The buoys can operate unattended, and relay data using a satellite transmitter, via either Argos or Iridium satellite systems. 


Time series of coordinates and sea surface temperature collected by the drifter 300234060766200 at hourly intervals. The data has been controlled using standard procedures and includes quality flags.
65 KoNetCDFQuality controlled data
Time series of coordinates and sea surface temperature collected by the drifter 300234060767180 at hourly intervals. The data has been controlled using standard procedures and includes quality flags.
389 KoNetCDFQuality controlled data
Time series of coordinates and sea surface temperature collected by the drifter 300234060769180 at hourly intervals. The data has been controlled using standard procedures and includes quality flags.
151 KoNetCDFQuality controlled data
How to cite
Deidun Alan, Gauci Adam, Zammit Audrey, OMRG (Oceanography Malta Research Group) (2024). Drifter deployment within the MED-JELLYRISK project in the Central Mediterranean Basin. SEANOE. https://doi.org/10.17882/99484

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