Marine Meteorological Data from R/V Miguel Oliver, 2015

The R/V Miguel Oliver was built in 2007 for scientific fisheries assessment and oceanographic research purposes. Owned by the Spanish General Secretariat of Fisheries, it mainly operates around the Iberian Peninsula and Canary Islands waters. Equipped with an automatic weather station, collected data are daily sent to the Spanish Institute of Oceanography (IEO) Data Center / National Oceanographic Data Center (NODC) for delayed-mode quality control and long-term archive and dissemination. Recently, a semi-automatic process has been used to perform quality control and data assessment. The quality controlled data have been stored in MEDAR/MEDATLAS format, and the corresponding quality flag has been added to each individual measurement. This facilitates their reuse for different purposes, from climatology or academic studies to industrial sector needs, among others. In 2015, air temperature, relative humidity, wind speed and direction and solar radiation were collected.




marine meteorology, research vessel


50N, 20S, 10E, -20W


Meteorological measurements monthly files
6 MoTEXTQuality controlled data
How to cite
Tel Elena, Sanz Pinilla Lucia (2024). Marine Meteorological Data from R/V Miguel Oliver, 2015. SEANOE.

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