Southern Ocean moored time series (south of 60°S) (OCEAN:ICE D1.1)

This mooring timeseries compilation contains temperature, salinity, current velocity measured from a wide range of marine instrument in the Southern Ocean (90°S-60°S) since 1975. It provides with an opportunity to investigate the broad scale climatology of the Southern Ocean shelf dynamics and shelf connecitivity of dense shelf water and freshwater propogation, and facilitate the timeseries analysis across various timescales.


Physical oceanography


Physical Oceanography, Southern Ocean, Shelf Sea dynamics, temperature, salinity, current, mooring


-60N, -90S, 180E, -180W


SBE16, SBE37, SBE39, RCM, Aquadopp, RDI ADCP


A summary of mooring time series files
84 KoASCProcessed data
Compressed file containing moored timeseries in NetCDF files
680 Mocompressed (.zip) fileProcessed data
How to cite
Zhou Shenjie, Dutrieux Pierre, Giulivi Claudia, Silvano Alessandro, Auckland Christopher, Abrahamsen Povl, Meredith Michael, Vaňková Irena, Nicholls Keith, Østerhus Svein, Gordon Arnold, Sebaginazzi Dotto Tiago, Scambos Ted, Gunn Kathryn, Rintoul Steve, Aoki Shigeru, Stevens Craig, Liu Chengyan, Kim Tae-Wan, Lee Won Sang (2024). Southern Ocean moored time series (south of 60°S) (OCEAN:ICE D1.1). SEANOE.

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